Cookie Policy

1. About cookies

A cookie is a tiny text file that a website stores on your machine (including any computer, mobile phone or tablet) and reads on subsequent visits. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to website owners. It allows the website to identify you and for example, remember your log in details the next time you visit.

2. The types of cookies we use

2.1 Strictly necessary technical cookies

These are cookies that are essential, e.g. to load the website and fulfil actions requested by you. They also include Session Cookies, which are stored in your computer or device's memory during your browsing session and are automatically deleted from your computer when you leave a website. These cookies usually store a session ID, allowing you to move from page to page without having to log-in repeatedly.

2.2 Performance cookies

These are cookies used to improve a website, for example, for analytics that let companies see how their site is used and where to make improvements.

2.3 Targeting cookies

These cookies are used to collect information about your browsing habits in order to deliver adverts more relevant to you and your interests. They remember that you have visited a website and this information is shared with other organisations such as advertisers.

2.4 Persistent cookies

These are cookies are stored on your computer or device and are not deleted when your browser is closed. Persistent cookies can be used to retain your preferences for a particular website, allowing those preferences to be used in future browsing sessions. Persistent cookies usually assign a unique ID to your browser and they are usually configured to identify you for a prolonged period of time, from days to months or even years.

3. Why we use cookies

We use cookies:

  • to ensure you are properly logged in, where this is necessary to use the site

  • to store personal registration information so that you do not have to provide it to us again on subsequent visits

  • to track your progress through the site so we can make improvements to the service we offer you, and/or

  • to remember any preferences which the site may allow you to set.

4. Managing and deleting cookies

The General Data Protection Regulation ('GDPR') 2018 requires website users to be told about cookies used on the site and to opt into accepting cookies, or to be able to opt out of certain cookies that are not essential to the basic functioning of the website.

You will see the opt in, opt out choices at the top of the screen. You must make a choice.

  • Opting In 
    If you choose to opt in to cookies, we will place a small cookie on your system to help us remember that you have chosen to accept technical, session, performance, tracking, and persistent cookies. This will give you full use of this website now and in the future. You are free open the Cookies tab at any time and change your choice.

  • Opting out 
    If you choose to opt out of accepting all the cookies you are able to refuse, we will disable these cookies. You may find that much of this website, or sections of it, will no longer work. As we place no cookies on your system to remember this opt-out choice, you will see the full cookies banner on every subsequent visit to this website. 
    You can change your choice at any time by opening the cookies tab at the top of the page.

  • Using your browser controls to control your cookie settings 
    Most web browsers (including Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari) allow you to control your cookie settings and to delete any cookies already stored on your computer or other device. 
    You can control the use of cookies on your device, including deleting and blocking the cookies we and other sites use, through the browser settings on your device, but please note that any changes you make may affect some functionality of this Site. You can find out how to do this by going to the help menu in your browser.

5. Changes to our cookies statement

We may change the content of our Site or services without notice, and consequently our Privacy Policy and/or Cookies Statement may change at any time in the future. We therefore encourage you to review it from time to time to stay informed of how we are using personal information.

This Cookie Statement was last updated in July 2023.

6. Redirects to third party sites

Our website sometimes re-directs you to third party sites. As these websites are operated by third parties, we have no control over their use of cookies.

7. Learn more about cookies

To find out more about the way cookies work, how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit or